PES 2018 PES Tuning Patch 2018 Season 2018/2019
Patch alternatif yang bisa digunakan untuk mengupdate game Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 versi PC. Namanya adalah PES Tuning Patch 2018. Dengan menggunakan PES Tuning Patch 2018 kalian akan mendapatkan full licensed klub / liga yang tadinya tidak memiliki lisensi di Pro Evolution Soccer 2018. PES Tuning Patch 2018 memang tidak sepopuler PTE Patch, PESGalaxy Patch atau Smoke Patch, namun sejauh ini PES Tuning Patch sudah cukup membuktikan bahwa patchnya bersaing dan tetap terus update untuk seri PES terbaru.
Fitur PES 2018 PES Tuning Patch 2018 Season 2018/2019 :
- Sudah termasuk update 1.05 + DataPack 4.0 by KONAMI.
- Full License dengan fix nama, logo, emblem, formasi, logo, squad, foto manager, update player, kits, font dan sleev badges untuk liga-liga dibawah ini : Premier League, Ligue 1 Conforama, Serie A TIM, Eredivisie, LaLiga Santander, Liga NOS, Bundesliga, Campeonato Brasileiro dan Superliga Argentina
- Full Licensed dengan fitur fix nama, logo, emblem, formasi, logo, emblem, formasi, sleeve badges untuk liga berikut : SkyBET Championship, Domino’s Ligue 2, Serie B ConTe.it, LaLiga 1|2|3, Campeonato Scotiabank
- Update struktur liga termasuk tim promosi dan diurutan sesuai alpabet.
- Update Adboard terbaru
- Update balls, boots, chants, 33 buah corner flag, gloves, font terbaru
- Termasuk fitur Anti Lag, No Crowd, Offline dan Online mode yang bisa dipilih lewat selector.
- Update Menu terbaru by Hawke yang bisa dipilih lewat selector.
- Sudah termasuk update tattoo dan face pemain terbaru
- Update referree kit.
- Sudah ditambahkan Replay Logo
- Update Scoreboard terbaru
- Untuk update lainnya akan ditambahkan di PES Tuning 2018 terbaru nantinya.
Cara Install PES 2018 PES Tuning Patch 2018 Season 2017/2018
Semua file yang dibutuhkan sudah tersedia didalam link download !. Jika sudah selesai download file yang dibutuhkan silakan kalian ikuti cara dibawah ini untuk memulai proses installasi.
1. Ekstrak file dengan WinRAR dan matikan antivirus untuk sementara.
2. Jalankan file Primary Setup – PTP 2018 v1. AIO.exe sebagai administrator, arahkan kelokasi game PES 2018 milik kalian
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2018\
3. Selanjutnya jalankan file Secondary Setup – PTP 2018 v1. AIO.exe sebagai administrator, arahkan kelokasi game PES 2018 milik kalian
4. Setelah muncul jendela PTP version switches v1. AIO.exe, kalian pilih versi PES 2018 milik kalian ( Original STEAM atau bukan ).
5. Install PTP 2018 Chantpack v3.exe sebagai administrator, arahkan kelokasi game PES 2018 milik kalian
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2018\
4. Setelah muncul jendela PTP version switches v1. AIO.exe, kalian pilih versi PES 2018 milik kalian ( Original STEAM atau bukan ).
5. Install PTP 2018 Chantpack v3.exe sebagai administrator, arahkan kelokasi game PES 2018 milik kalian
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2018\
6. Setelah selesai jalankan melalui selector PES Tuning Patch 2018.exe yang ada didesktop. Jangan lupa ubah ke mode offline / online sebelum bermain.
7. Play !
Note :
- Tidak butuh versi sebelumnya, cukup download versi AIO saja.
- Semua file yang dibutuhkan sudah ada didalam link download ! cek dahulu sebelum berkomentar :)
Note :
- Tidak butuh versi sebelumnya, cukup download versi AIO saja.
- Semua file yang dibutuhkan sudah ada didalam link download ! cek dahulu sebelum berkomentar :)
Homepage : http://www.hichemtigs.com
Data Pack for STEAM version:
* Includes the lastest PES2018 Patch 1.05.02.
* Includes the lastest PES2018 Data Pack 4.01.
Data Pack for CPY version:
* Includes the lastest PES2018 Patch 1.05.02.
* Includes the lastest PES2018 Data Pack 4.01.
* myClub compatible.
* Offline Mode: Play offline with all PTP features.
* Online Mode: Play online and myClub with licensed teams and managers.
* 2018-2019 summer transfers: Last summer transfer of 31/08/2018 (list).
New Features:
* Badge: Added new badge for some leagues. (Premier League, SkyBET Championship, Serie A TIM, Serie B ConTe.it, LaLiga Santander, LaLiga 1|2|3, Liga NOS, Bundesliga).
* Ball: Added 1 new ball (Adidas Telstar World Cup Russia Competition).
* Boot: Added 100 new boots.(Boot Pack by Tisera09).
* Chant: Added new chants & national anthems. (Chantpack & National Anthems by predator002).
* Controllor: Added new PS3 controller.
* Extra cpk: Added a easy solution to add your own extra mod (.cpk files).
* Face: Added 728 new faces.
* Fingertape: Added 2 new fingertape.
* Font: Added 7 new fonts.
* Graphic: Camp Nou & Wanda Metropolitano mod and ads.
* Glove: Added 100 new gloves. (Glovepack by Tisera09).
* Kit 2018-2019 season: Added new kit of 2018-2019 season. (Kitspack by Lucas RK (list)).
* Minifaces: Added 2500 new formation pictures.
* National Kit: Added new national kits. (All NT Kits Pack by Hawke).
* Pitch: New Pitch And Turf.
* Referee Kit: Added 6 new referee kits. (Bundesliga, Generics + UCL, LaLiga Santander, Ligue 1, Premier League, Serie A TIM).
* Relink boot: Relink boots of players for some teams.
* Scoreboard: Added 8 new scoreboards. (Bein Sports, Bundesliga, Copa del Rey, LaLiga 1 2 3, LaLiga Santander, Ligue 1, Premier League, Serie A TIM).
* Stadium: Added 1 new stadium. (Old Trafford v0.5 by CYPES) and fix Black Stadiums (Estadio Nacional de Chile and exterior and Emirate stadium day fine to day rainy).
* Tattoo: Added 300 new tattoos.
* Team: Added the 4 missing CL teams (Apoel Nikosia, Celtic FC, NK Maribor and Qarabag Agdam).
* Trophie: Trophies Mod by Txak.
* Wet Kit: Added wet kits for all leagues & all teams.
Data Pack for STEAM version:
* Includes the lastest PES2018 Patch 1.05.02.
* Includes the lastest PES2018 Data Pack 4.01.
Data Pack for CPY version:
* Includes the lastest PES2018 Patch 1.05.02.
* Includes the lastest PES2018 Data Pack 4.01.
* myClub compatible.
* Offline Mode: Play offline with all PTP features.
* Online Mode: Play online and myClub with licensed teams and managers.
* 2018-2019 summer transfers: Last summer transfer of 31/08/2018 (list).
New Features:
* Badge: Added new badge for some leagues. (Premier League, SkyBET Championship, Serie A TIM, Serie B ConTe.it, LaLiga Santander, LaLiga 1|2|3, Liga NOS, Bundesliga).
* Ball: Added 1 new ball (Adidas Telstar World Cup Russia Competition).
* Boot: Added 100 new boots.(Boot Pack by Tisera09).
* Chant: Added new chants & national anthems. (Chantpack & National Anthems by predator002).
* Controllor: Added new PS3 controller.
* Extra cpk: Added a easy solution to add your own extra mod (.cpk files).
* Face: Added 728 new faces.
* Fingertape: Added 2 new fingertape.
* Font: Added 7 new fonts.
* Graphic: Camp Nou & Wanda Metropolitano mod and ads.
* Glove: Added 100 new gloves. (Glovepack by Tisera09).
* Kit 2018-2019 season: Added new kit of 2018-2019 season. (Kitspack by Lucas RK (list)).
* Minifaces: Added 2500 new formation pictures.
* National Kit: Added new national kits. (All NT Kits Pack by Hawke).
* Pitch: New Pitch And Turf.
* Referee Kit: Added 6 new referee kits. (Bundesliga, Generics + UCL, LaLiga Santander, Ligue 1, Premier League, Serie A TIM).
* Relink boot: Relink boots of players for some teams.
* Scoreboard: Added 8 new scoreboards. (Bein Sports, Bundesliga, Copa del Rey, LaLiga 1 2 3, LaLiga Santander, Ligue 1, Premier League, Serie A TIM).
* Stadium: Added 1 new stadium. (Old Trafford v0.5 by CYPES) and fix Black Stadiums (Estadio Nacional de Chile and exterior and Emirate stadium day fine to day rainy).
* Tattoo: Added 300 new tattoos.
* Team: Added the 4 missing CL teams (Apoel Nikosia, Celtic FC, NK Maribor and Qarabag Agdam).
* Trophie: Trophies Mod by Txak.
* Wet Kit: Added wet kits for all leagues & all teams.
Credits : Konami, Jenkey, Tunizizou, Hawke, DrDoooMuk, Cesc Fabregas, sxsxsx, Txak, Devil Cold52, Baris, Sho9_6, Amir.Hsn7, PesMARFUT, majuh, predator002
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